Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Sonic Overload 9/29/14

Back to full-strength turntable wise—actually, I had two turntables up and running by last Wednesday’s show on Stench Radio. Another week of punk rock and I’m almost recovered from the GBH/Angry Samoans/Reagan Youth show. I haven’t been going to as many of the “punk rock oldies circuit” shows in recent years but I haven’t seen GBH and the Samoans since the 90s so I decided to go (and thanks for the ticket hookup, Clay, if you read this). I’d still rather go see the newer bands in DIY spaces but there’s nothing wrong with nostalgia every once in awhile as long as you realize there’s still good punk and hardcore worthy of your attention...

Sonic Overload 9/29/14


FLAG OF DEMOCRACY-Powerload (Rave)

COMES-Baca Moss (Dogma)
THE GAIA-Last War (Prank)
I QUIT-Then You Die (Busted Heads)
CAPITAL DEATH-A Is A (Punks Before Profits)
DISGRUNTLED NATION-Building Mountains of Bullshit (Pink House)
DIS SUCKS-You’re Fucked (New Audio Terror)

OOZE-Face Metal (Not Normal)
SLUGGA-Ascension (demo)
GILLOOLY-Twelve Dotage (More Power)
WACO FUCK-Past Lives (Standards)
SOLID ATTITUDE-Shit Business Pt. 2 (Sweet Rot)
MONGOLOID-Wallet Sniffer (demo)
PISS TEST-Frigid Punks (More Power)

PRICHARD-Pavement Ends (self-released)
PREDATOR-Opposite of Clean (Douchemaster)
FACILITY MEN-Strange Place (demo)
DOTTIE DANGER-Astrae (Punk Noir)
SACRED SHOCK-Checking Out (Residue)


THE CLEARER-Storm (Forge)
COWS-The Woman Inside (Amphetamine Reptile)
WHITE LUNG-Glue (Deranged)
NO TREND-Reality Breakdown (self-released)

MUCH WORSE-Speed Intentions (Pass Judgement)
SOCIALCIDE-Power Tripper (Even Worse/Kangaroo)
DIRECT CONTROL-Crash and Burn (Grave Mistake)
DESPERAT-Bandlogga (Beach Impediment)
BUKKAKE BOYS-Disconnect (Sorry State)
SEE YOU IN HELL-Bezmocnost (Not Very Nice)

STRANGLERS-Shut Up (United Artists)
THE CURE-Plastic Passion (Elektra)
STIPHNOYDS-Afraid of the Russians (from “History of Portland Punk,” Zeno)
SKULLS-On Target (from “What? Stuff,” Bomp)
FLESH EATERS-Disintegration Nation (Upsetter)


READ YELLOW-Read Yellow (Fenway)
CRACKERBASH-A Song For Lon Mabon (Empty)
UNSANE-Blame Me (Amphetamine Reptile)
SICKOIDS-Occupy Your Time (Grave Mistake/Sorry State)

SPAZM 151-Blown Away (Busted Heads)
NO SIDE-Tany’s Seranade (HG Fact)
DEATHWISH-Break The Chains (Amory Arms)
DOUBLE-O-There’s No Reasoning (R&B)
REFLEX FROM PAIN-Media Control (Death Threat)

GLITTER-Perfect Day (Pee Blood)
HOT TIP-No Interest (demo)
MIL MASCARAS-I Said So Far (HoZac)
MIKA MIKO-Johnson R. Cool (PPM)
PETROLEUMBY PRODUCTS-Grossest Thing (from “Emergency Room, Vol. 1,” Nominal)


GBH-Generals (Clay)
ANGRY SAMOANS-Right Side Of My Mind (Triple X)
AKUTT INNLEGGELSE-Superstjerne (from “Bloodstains Across Norway”)
CHICKS ON SPEED-Yes I Do (self-released)
DEFEX-Machine Gun Love (from “Killed By Death #18”)
SCARED OF CHAKA-No Time (Sub City)

GET LAID-Shipwrecked (demo)
COFFIN PRICKS-Group Home Haircut (Stationary Heart)
FRUSTRATION-Angle Grinder (Born Bad)
PREGNANCY SCARES-Lobotomy (Deranged)
BACK TO BACK-Big Man (Lockin’ Out)


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